Don Sterling Yes, the Empire NO!
by Phillip Faruggio / May 4th, 2014
me preface these new thoughts by stating that what another billionaire
says or does because he feels ‘above the rest of we serfs‘ is never
surprising to me. What Don Sterling, owner
of the Clippers basketball team, said and implied is murmured to this
writer many times by many people… always in either whispers or in secure
settings. Racism is alive and well in Amerika, as it always has been
since our founding. What cracks me up is how much television and radio
time is reserved for this latest “major scandal”. One can understand the
sports media jumping all over this incident. Yet, even they have
devoted too much time in bombarding us with what this man said, past and
present. Enough already! Oh, yes! The league is suspending him for life
from the game, but… he will keep ownership of his team. But wait! They
may push him to sell… for over $500 million for a team he bought for
less than $20 million. Poor Don Sterling.
What really angers
this writer is how the mainstream news media has jumped on to the
bandwagon, treating this incident like it was the story of the century.
Yet, when the Bush Gang
lied and manipulated our nation into a preemptive invasion of Iraq,
where was this same media? Most of them were lining up to become
embedded with our troops! Little Katie Couric showed her full set of
teeth to proudly shout “Marines Rock” as we marched through to Baghdad.
On CNN, stooge Aaron Brown proudly announced the results of Shock and
Awe as he interviewed the phony former Generals hired by CNN as
“consultants”. MSNBC had good old Lester Holt making his bones by
cheerleading the assault on Iraq. These three, of course, got nice
promotions after the so called “War”. We won’t even delve into Fox’s
media whores at all. In sales we call this a “Win Win” situation…
except, of course, for the Iraqi people, their infrastructure and, of
course, their health and well being. Don’t forget the other “losers” in
this disgrace: Our economy and prestige as a nation… down the drain!
this Donald Sterling affair should question is why do we need to have a
professional sports system with private ownership? Imagine how much
better it would be if the cities the teams were in actually owned those
teams? Imagine if the teams were operated on a non-profit basis? Would
ticket prices be perhaps a bit lower? Would all that extra revenue from
product licensing maybe go back to the city’s economy, and not into the
hands of strictly private interests? Food for thought.
chew on this tidbit of insight: What about those poor players and
coaches who have to work for these super rich owners? Last time I looked
I have not read that Lebron James, who earns mega mega millions, took
some of those millions to open a health clinic in his hometown of Akron
Ohio for the struggling neighbors he once had. Multiply that by most of
these guys in professional sports. I remember how Warwick Dunn, from
Florida State U and then the
Tampa Bay Bucs football team, actually purchased homes for single moms
who were struggling financially in his hometown. When I read how Donald
Sterling gave millions to charities, I ask myself how much I would be
giving if I was worth hundreds of millions or a billion. To me, the
homeless person who breaks his only sandwich in half and gives it to his
neighbor is doing more than that.
A Farruggio is son and grandson of Brooklyn, NYC longshoremen. He is a
free lance columnist (found on Information Clearing house, Dandelion
Salad, Activist Post, Dissident Voice and Smirking Chimp sites), an
environmental products sales rep and an activist. Since 2010, Philip is a
spokesperson for the 25% Solution Movement to Save Our Cities by
cutting military spending 25%. Phillip can be reached at:
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